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Navajo Technical University
Lowerpoint Road, State Hwy 371
Crownpoint NM 87313

Phone: 505.387.7401
Fax: 505.786.5644


Chinle Instructional Site
PO Box 849, Chinle AZ, 86503
Phone: 928.674.5764
Fax: 928.674.5700


Teec Nos Pos Instructional Site
PO Box 1203, Teec Nos Pos, AZ 86514
Phone: 928.656.3600
Fax: 928.656.3596


Kirtland Instructional Site
40 Road 6580, Kirtland, NM 87417
Phone: 505.609.5020/5017


Zuni Instructional Site
67 301 North, Zuni, NM 87327
Phone: 505.782.6010

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Online Learning Readiness Student Self-Assessment

Online Learning Readiness Questionnaire

Before enrolling in an online course, you should first assess your readiness for stepping into the online learning environment. Your answers to the following questions will help you determine what you need to do to succeed at online learning. Post-survey feedback will also provide you with information on what you can expect from an online course.

Instructions: Choose the most accurate response to each statement. Then click the Am I Ready? button.

Somewhat Agree
1. I am good at setting goals and deadlines for myself.
2. I have a really good reason for taking an online course.
3. I finish the projects I start.
4. I do not quit just because things get difficult.
5. I can keep myself on track and on time.
6. I learn fairly easily.
7. I can learn from things I hear, like lectures, audio recordings, or podcasts.
8. I have to read something to learn it best.
9. I have developed good ways to solve problems I run into.
10. I learn best when I figure things out for myself.
11. I like to learn in a group, but I can learn on my own as well.
12. I am willing to send e-mail to or have discussions with people I might never see.
13. I usually study in a place where I can read and work on assignments without distractions.
14. I can ignore distractions around me when I study.
15. I am willing to spend 10-20 hours each week on an online course.
16. I keep a record of what my assignments are and when they are due.
17. I plan my work in advance so that I can turn in my assignments on time.
18. When I study, people around me will help me work and not try to distract me.
19. I am willing to use e-mail and other online tools to ask my classmates and instructors questions.
20. I am fairly good at using the computer.
21. I am comfortable surfing the Internet.
22. I am comfortable conducting searches, setting bookmarks, and downloading files.
23. I am comfortable installing software and changing configuration settings on my computer.
24. I know someone who can help me if I have computer problems.
25. My computer runs reliably on Windows XP/ 7 or on Mac OS 10.6 or higher.
26. I have a printer.
27. I am connected to the Internet with a fairly fast, reliable connection such as DSL or cable modem.
28. I have virus protection software running on my computer.
29. I have headphones or speakers and a microphone to use if a class has a videoconference.
30. My browser will play several common multimedia (video and audio) formats.

After responding  to all of the statements, click the Am I Ready? button. Your results will display.

The results of your survey will appear here.

Contact NTU

Navajo Technical University
Lowerpoint Road, State Hwy 371
Crownpoint, NM 87313

Phone: 505.387.7401
Fax: 505.786.5644

Chinle Instructional Site
PO Box 849, Chinle, AZ 86503

Phone: 928.674.5764
Fax: 928.674.5700

Teec Nos Pos Instructional Site
PO Box 848, Teec Nos Pos, AZ 86514

Phone: 928.656.3600
Fax: 928.656.3596

Kirtland Instructional Site
40 Road 6580
Kirtland, NM 87417
(505) 609-5020/5017
(Located off of Highway 64 next to Judy Nelson Elementary School in Kirtland, NM)

Zuni Instructional Site
67 301 North, Zuni, NM 87327

Phone: 505.782.6010




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